TechieClues TechieClues
Updated date Mar 18, 2024
In this article, we will discuss various ways to convert a string to a float in Python, including built-in functions, casting, and regular expressions.

Converting a String to Float in Python

In this article, we will discuss various ways to convert a string to a float in Python, including built-in functions, casting, and regular expressions. 

Method 1: Using the float() function

To convert a string to a float in Python is to use the built-in float() function. The function takes a string as an argument and returns a floating-point number.




# Program to convert a string to a float using the float() function

string_num = "3.14"
float_num = float(string_num)
print("Original String: ", string_num)
print("Converted Float: ", float_num)


Original String:  3.14
Converted Float:  3.14

In this program, we first define a string variable string_num that contains a float value as a string. We then pass this variable to the float() function to convert it to a floating-point number. Finally, we print the original string and the converted float value using the print() function.

Method 2: Using casting

Casting is the process of converting a variable from one data type to another data type. In Python, you can use the casting method to convert a string to a float by using the float() constructor.


# Program to convert a string to a float using casting

string_num = "3.14"
float_num = float(string_num)
print("Original String: ", string_num)
print("Converted Float: ", float_num)


Original String:  3.14
Converted Float:  3.14

In this program, we first define a string variable string_num that contains a float value as a string. We then use the float() constructor to convert the string to a floating-point number. Finally, we print the original string and the converted float value using the print() function.

Method 3: Using regular expressions

Regular expressions are a powerful tool for manipulating text data. You can use regular expressions to extract numeric values from strings and convert them to floats.


import re
re.findall('\d+\.\d+', string)


# Program to convert a string to a float using regular expressions

import re

string_num = "3.14"
float_num = float(re.findall('\d+\.\d+', string_num)[0])
print("Original String: ", string_num)
print("Converted Float: ", float_num)


Original String:  3.14
Converted Float:  3.14

In this program, we first import the re-module to use regular expressions. We then define a string variable string_num that contains a float value as a string. We use the re.findall() method to extract the float value from the string using a regular expression pattern that matches any number of digits before and after a decimal point.

The findall() method returns a list of all matches, but we only need the first match, so we access the first element of the list using the index [0]. Finally, we convert the extracted float value to a floating-point number using the float() function and print the original string and the converted float value using the print() function.

Method 4: Handling errors with a try-except block

When you try to convert a string to a float, there may be cases where the string cannot be converted to a valid floating-point number. For example, if the string contains non-numeric characters or is an empty string, the float() function will raise a ValueError exception. To handle such errors, you can use a try-except block to catch the exception and handle it appropriately.


    float_num = float(string)
except ValueError:
    # Handle the exception here


# Program to convert a string to a float using try-except block

string_num = "3.14"
    float_num = float(string_num)
    print("Original String: ", string_num)
    print("Converted Float: ", float_num)
except ValueError:
    print("Error: The string cannot be converted to a float.")


Original String:  3.14
Converted Float:  3.14

In this program, we first define a string variable string_num that contains a float value as a string. We then use a try-except block to convert the string to a float using the float() function. If the conversion is successful, we print the original string and the converted float value. If an exception occurs, we catch the ValueError exception and print an error message.



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