Sai A Sai A
Updated date Jun 24, 2023
In this blog, we will discover the various methods available in Python to effortlessly retrieve the current month. This comprehensive blog delves into the datetime module, calendar module, and strftime() method, providing code examples and explanations for each approach.
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In the world of programming, there are various situations where we need to retrieve the current month. Python, being a versatile and popular programming language, offers several methods to accomplish this task. In this blog, we will explore different approaches to obtaining the current month in Python and discuss their advantages and use cases.

Method 1: Using the datetime Module

Python's built-in datetime module provides a straightforward way to retrieve the current month. By utilizing the function and accessing its month attribute, we can obtain the current month as an integer.

from datetime import datetime

current_month =
print("Current Month (Method 1):", current_month)


Current Month (Method 1): 6

In this method, we import the datetime module and call the today() function to get the current date and time. By accessing the month attribute of the resulting datetime object, we obtain the current month as an integer. This approach is simple and efficient, especially when you only need the month information.

Method 2: Using the calendar Module

Python's calendar module provides a range of functions for working with calendars. By employing the calendar.month_name attribute with the method, we can retrieve the current month as a string.

import calendar
from datetime import datetime

current_month = calendar.month_name[]
print("Current Month (Method 2):", current_month)


Current Month (Method 2): June

Here, we import the calendar module and utilize the month_name attribute to access a list of month names. By providing the current month as an index to this list (obtained from, we retrieve the corresponding month name as a string. This method is useful when you need the month in a textual format.

Method 3: Using the strftime() Method

Python's strftime() method allows us to format dates and times as strings. By specifying the appropriate format code %B for the full month name, we can retrieve the current month as a string using the method.

from datetime import datetime

current_month ="%B")
print("Current Month (Method 3):", current_month)


Current Month (Method 3): June

In this method, we utilize the strftime() method to format the current date and time as a string. By specifying the %B format code, we retrieve the full month name as a string. This method offers flexibility in customizing the output format and is particularly useful when you require more advanced date formatting.


In this blog, we explored three different methods to retrieve the current month in Python. We started with the datetime module, which provides a direct way to obtain the current month as an integer. Then, we explored the calendar module, which allows us to retrieve the month name as a string. Finally, we learned how to utilize the strftime() method for customized formatting of the current month. Each method has its own advantages and use cases, depending on the desired output format and requirements of your program.

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