Sai A Sai A
Updated date Jun 16, 2023
In this blog, we delve into the world of jQuery checkbox checking. Discover various methods, including is(), prop(), and attr(), to determine whether a checkbox is checked or not.


Checkboxes are essential elements in web development that allow users to select multiple options simultaneously. In jQuery, checking if a checkbox is checked can be done using different methods. In this blog post, we will explore several techniques to achieve this, providing code examples, explanations, and their respective outputs. By the end, you'll have a solid understanding of how to check the state of checkboxes in jQuery.

Method 1: Using the is() method

The is() method is a versatile function in jQuery that allows you to check the state of an element based on a selector or a specific condition. To check if a checkbox is checked, you can use the :checked pseudo-selector with the is() method.

if ($('#myCheckbox').is(':checked')) {
  console.log('Checkbox is checked');
} else {
  console.log('Checkbox is not checked');


If the checkbox with the ID "myCheckbox" is checked, the output will be "Checkbox is checked." Otherwise, it will display "Checkbox is not checked."

Here, we use the $ function to select the checkbox element with the ID "myCheckbox." The is() method checks if the selected element matches the :checked pseudo-selector. If it does, the condition evaluates to true, indicating that the checkbox is checked. Otherwise, the condition evaluates to false, indicating that the checkbox is not checked.

Method 2: Using the prop() method

Another approach to check the state of a checkbox is by using the prop() method. The prop() method gets the property value for the first element in a set of matched elements or sets one or more properties for every matched element.

if ($('#myCheckbox').prop('checked')) {
  console.log('Checkbox is checked');
} else {
  console.log('Checkbox is not checked');


The output will be the same as in Method 1, displaying either "Checkbox is checked" or "Checkbox is not checked" based on the checkbox's state.

In this method, we again select the checkbox element using the $ function and the ID selector. The prop() method retrieves the value of the "checked" property for the selected element. If the property value is true, it means the checkbox is checked, and the condition evaluates to true. If the property value is false, it means the checkbox is not checked, and the condition evaluates to false.

Method 3: Using the attr() method

The attr() method allows you to get the value of an attribute for the first element in a set of matched elements or set one or more attributes for every matched element. We can utilize it to check the "checked" attribute of a checkbox.

if ($('#myCheckbox').attr('checked')) {
  console.log('Checkbox is checked');
} else {
  console.log('Checkbox is not checked');


The output will be the same as in the previous methods, providing the appropriate message based on the checkbox's state.

Similarly, we select the checkbox using the $ function and the ID selector. The attr() method retrieves the value of the "checked" attribute for the selected element. If the attribute exists and its value is truthy (such as "checked" or "true"), the condition evaluates to true, indicating that the checkbox is checked. Otherwise, if the attribute does not exist or its value is falsy, the condition evaluates to false.

Method 4: Using the :checked selector directly

jQuery also provides a convenient way to select checked checkboxes directly using the :checked selector. This selector matches all elements that are checked, allowing you to perform further operations on them.

$('input[type="checkbox"]:checked').each(function() {
  console.log('Checkbox with value ' + $(this).val() + ' is checked');


This method outputs a message for each checked checkbox, displaying its value.

In this method, we select all checkboxes of type "checkbox" that are checked using the $ function and the :checked selector. We then iterate over each matched element using the each() method and perform operations within the provided function. In this case, we log a message for each checked checkbox, including its value obtained through the val() method.


In this blog post, we explored different methods to check if a checkbox is checked in jQuery. We covered the is(), prop(), and attr() methods, as well as the :checked selector. Each method provided a way to determine the state of a checkbox, allowing us to perform conditional operations based on the result. By leveraging these techniques, you can enhance the interactivity of your web applications and respond accordingly to user input.

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